As for the previous "rencontres", we will discuss about solar imaging technics.

Several outstanding realizations such as helioscope mirror telescopes, coronographs, and different filtering technics will be on site.

Discovery stand

For novices, a "discovery stand" will be provided. Safety aspects of solar observation will be of course emphasized. Several instruments will be at your disposal under the vigilant eye of an experienced solar observer.

During the afternoon, eight astonishing experiments about the light will be conducted.

The lectures

Different aspects of solar technics will be discussed. Priority will be given to observations, weather permitting... The lectures schedule is not yet definitive, so please refer to our website for further information.

As an indication, the lectures given during our "R.O.S" 2018:

En journée: Exposition des meilleurs photographies du rayon vert par Patrick Muller.
Norma Desprez: Initiation à l'observation solaire;: les phénomènes, les instruments, le partage.
Christian Viladrich: Haute résolution solaire en bande G
Patrick Muller: Comment photographier le rayon vert
Norma Desprez: Conférence débat sur les couches minces. Présentation technique, les réalisations des amateurs, échanges pros-amateurs.